The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy
Editors: Adam Talib; Marlé Hammond; Arie Schippers
Year: 2014
ISBN: 9781909724334
Language: English
Hardback, 336p
Together these chapters cover a range of interrelated and complex issues on sexuality, gender, language, and poetics from an array of perspectives and with a variety of approaches, reflecting the interests and methodologies of several generations of scholars across numerous specialisations within the field of Middle Eastern and Islamic literary studies. One intriguing area of investigation that has emerged is the question of what becomes of mujūn in the modern era and how it transforms and mutates across space, time, and genre. Many other questions arise to from the ways in which the chapters complement each other in their interrogation of boundaries, broadly construed—be they historic turning points or gradual evolutions, cultural dichotomies and fusions, the so-called gender gap, or the dividing line between the erotic and the pornographic.
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