The E J W Gibb Memorial Trust
The objectives of the Gibb Memorial Trust are to promote the study and advancement of the areas of Gibb’s interest. This is done through the preparation of scholarly publications, and through the awarding of scholarships to researchers working in the field.
Gibb Trust News
The Trustees of the Gibb Memorial Trust express their deep sorrow at the death of fellow trustee Prof Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (26 February 1963 – 18 December 2023) and their condolences to his family
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The Censure of Speculative Theology of Ibn Qudama
G. Makdisi

Chahar Maqalah (The Four Discourses) of Nidhámí al-Arúdi al-Samarqandí
Edward G. Browne

The Makarim al-Akhlaq
T. Gandjei

Tadhkirat al-Muluk: A Manual of Safavid Administration
V. Minorsky; John F. Richards

Meşāʽir üş-şuʽarā or Tezkere of ʽĀşık Çelebi
ʽĀşık Çelebi (ed. G. M. Meredith-Owens)

Kitab al-Tashbihat of Ibn Abi ‘Aun: The Book of Similes
M. ‘Abdul Muid Khan

Die Autobiographie des Dolmetschers ‘Osman Aga aus Temeschwar
Editor: Richard F. Kreutel

Identification and Identity in Classical Arab Poetry
M. C. Lyons

The Diwans of ‘Abid ibn al-Abras of Asad and ‘Amir ibn at-Tufail of ‘Amir ibn Sa’sa’ah
Charles Lyall

Kitab al-nasikh wa-l-mansukh of Abu ‘Ubaid al-Qasim b. Sallam
John Burton
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Recent Reprints
The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat al-qulūb
Ḥamd-Allāh Mustaufī; Guy Le Strange; Charles Melville
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí
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