About The Trust
The Gibb Memorial Trust is a charity, registered in England. It was founded in 1902 by the mother of Elias John Wilkinson Gibb to commemorate the death of her son at the age of 45. Gibb devoted his life to researching the history, literature, philosophy and religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs. His particular interest was the poetry of Ottoman Turkey, the fruits of which were published, mostly posthumously, in the six-volume History of Ottoman Poetry. This has been reprinted several times and is available from the Trust.
The objectives of the Memorial Trust are to promote the study and advancement of these topics. The trustees spend the income of the trust endowment on supporting the preparation of and publishing books arising from academic research into the history, literature, philosophy and religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs.
E J W Gibb Memorial Trust
79 Fairview Crescent
Rayners Lane
Tel: +44 (0)7500 676 672
Registered Charity 228040
Email: Zuher Hassan, Secretary secretary@gibbtrust.org

Dr Fozia Bora
Associate Professor of Islamic History, University of Leeds

Professor Dominic Parviz Brookshaw
Professor of Persian Literature and Iranian Culture, University of Oxford

Professor Robert Gleave
Professor of Arabic Studies, University of Exeter

Professor Carole Hillenbrand OBE
Emerita Professor in Islamic History, University of Edinburgh

Dr. Christopher Markiewicz
Senior Lecturer in Ottoman and Islamic History, University of Birmingham

Professor Andrew Marsham
Reader in Classical Arabic Studies, University of Cambridge

Professor Charles Melville
Emeritus Professor of Persian History, University of Cambridge

Professor Andrew Peacock
Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic History, University of St Andrews

Dr Helen Pfeifer
University Associate Professor in Early Ottoman History, University of Cambridge